Welcome to the all-new website for the British Music Hall Society.
The British Music Hall Society was founded in 1963 and this year the Society celebrates its 60th Birthday. The image on the left shows Ray Mackender (co-founder) with Ada Reeve, star of music hall, musical comedy and panto. Ada was the guest of honour at the first meeting of the BMHS held at the Garrick Hotel, London in January 1964.
Take a look through our events to see what we have planned and come along to one. Everyone is welcome! Coming up we have our regular In the Limelight series of talks, a Birthday Show, our first conference at the Cinema Museum and a formal lunch to mark our 60 years at the Lansdowne Club. There’s something for everyone.
We will be using this blog to share items of music hall and variety interest. We will be publishing some past articles from our quarterly journal The Call Boy as well as featuring the occasional article from those who have caught our eye and who are working on something (whether that be a book, film, play or song) which we think you would like to hear about.
This website includes an index of articles that have appeared in previous editions of The Call Boy, as well as obituaries. If you are seeking specific information, check out the Archive section.

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